Residential Pest Control Services

We are a preeminent organization that is engaged in rendering highly effective House Hold Pest Control Service. These services are rendered using laboratory tested and clinically proven chemicals and pesticides.

Herbal Pest Control

At times there seem to be as many folk remedies for garden pests as there are pests. Yet many, such as hot pepper spray, appear in so many ancient and modern remedies that they seem to have stood the test of time. Use herbal repellents as one element in your integrated pest approach -- pruning, fencing and commercial products may also be needed. Patience is another handy tool in the natural gardener's arsenal. If one herb doesn't seem to keep bugs, mammals and crawling creatures off your prized plants, the next one might.

General Pest Control

Pests are often found invading our homes, posing damages in hotels, restaurants and offices. Not only are pests an annoyance, they can also pose a health threat to your family and serious damage to your home. Studies show that mouse allergens are a significant contributing factor in childhood asthma. Pests such as mosquitoes, rodents and ticks can transmit a host of diseases to humans and animals with effects ranging from minor discomfort to death. Pests can also cause serious damage to your personal property. The presence of rodent or insect pests often causes embarrassment and distress and can lead to loss of business, goodwill, and reputation. So, it's absolutely necessary to take preventive measures to prevent pests and despite of this if they still exist they should be eliminated.

Cockroach Control

Pest Hicare India uses INTELLIGEL to help you with Cockroach and other pest control problems. Intelligible provides not just cockroach control, but also gives protection against other crawling insects such as black ants, red ants, spiders, phocids and silver fish. Crawling pests can be found anywhere - be it homes, offices, hotels, restaurants, hospitals or factories.

Your home remedies can only affect the cockroaches out in the open, but it is not an effective cockroach control measure. Gel treatment is based on the new generation chemical which is highly effective and eco-friendly with singly feeding effect. Once the treatment is applied, its effect will last up to 3-4 months or until the bait is consumed or destroyed. Cockroach Pest Control Treatment - (Intelligible). For Cockroach Control, gel is applied at harbourages such as cracks, crevices, electrical appliances, etc

Cockroaches eat the gel and then retreat back to their nest where they die and other cockroaches eat the poisoned carcasses, thus eliminating the entire colony eventually. Odourless gel is ideal for use in sensitive areas like household kitchen, food/feed handling establishments, schools & hospitals. For control against red and black ants, a liquid (odourless chemical) is applied as a spot spray.


  • A completely odourless solution with effective cockroach control
  • It is not necessary to empty out the kitchen or vacate areas during treatment, hence convenient
  • It is totally hassle free and safe for the occupants
  • Long-lasting and highly efficient treatment.

Termite Control

Termites, also commonly known as white ants, destroy valuable property, documents, furniture. Paper, books and even currency notes. Anything that contains cellulose, silently and swiftly, before you even become aware of the damage done. Termites infest and breed underground, in the soil. They crawl up through the minute cracks and crevices in the foundation and the walls of your building.

As they march forward, they build mud channels to provide themselves with darkness and higher humidity which they require to survive. When you notice such marks on your walls it is an indication that your place is under attack by termites and you need a termite treatment plan in place.

We use the latest DRILL-FILL-SEAL technique to form a barrier for effective termite control. This method is quick non-messy and completely safe. It makes a completely undetectable chemical barrier around your property assuring you of continuous protection. We also treat infested woodwork with chemicals to kill termites and protect it from further attacks.


  • An absolutely new and highly effective termite treatment used in all developed countries
  • Provides immediate protection for the structure.
  • Relatively low cost and long-lasting termite control.
  • They present almost no exposure risk to humans and pets.
  • Most effective termite treatment because it kills foraging termites unlike regular pest control which merely repels them.

Residential Pest Control Services

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